After a healthy pregnancy and a lot of birth preparation, Saskia went into spontaneous labor after weeks of intermittent prodromal labor and contractions. She labored at home with her supportive partner using breathing and coping skills. Upon arrival at the hospital after 24 hours of labor, she was 3cm dilated and continued to labor with the support of her husband and a doula. After her water broke, she tried IV pain medication and nitrous oxide before making an informed choice to receive the epidural. Although she planned for an epidural-free birth, receiving the epidural was ultimately an empowering choice for her and allowed for a peaceful birth. After just a few more hours, she was fully dilated and pushed for an hour before meeting her daughter.
Saskia Bolger
Saskia is a 29 year old first time mom and lives with her husband, daughter, and dog in Pennsylvania. She is a social worker, dog lover, runner, and triathlete. Leave a comment for Saskia here and she will respond!
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