763| Positive Homebirth and Getting Help for Postpartum Anxiety – Megan Christenson

Megan had Alexander at a hospital, when her husband was finishing up his studies. Megan had an epidural during her first birth because she didn’t know what to expect and was afraid as a young first time mom. Megan had postpartum anxiety but was not aware of what it was until she had her daughter and found a name for what she was feeling. 

Megan’s second birth was different but also as empowering as her first. They had a natural home birth in their living room, with their midwives and her mother in law present. Megan’s postpartum journey after their second baby was the same as her first, but this time she realized that she had postpartum anxiety and took the time and initiative to find the help she needed to take care of her mental health. 

Megan Christenson Bio

Megan is a mom to two amazing kids, Alexander is almost three and McKinley will be 8 months in October. Her family lives in British Columbia, Canada, where they explore their community, the outdoors and their every day life together. Megan works at an employment agency when she is done with her maternity leave, and enjoys being with her family, doing anything artsy and crafty, baking, and working with people. If you’d like to connect with Megan, please leave a comment here on the show notes page.


  • The Birth Hour Podcast 
  • Bridget Teyler’s Built to Birth Podcast 
  • Glow Baby App for tracking and the community of women who were going through pregnancy and postpartum with me 
  • The Wonder Weeks App, this is helpful because it helps me see a light at the end of the tunnel during difficult days/weeks and reminds me that they’re learning new skills
  • Big Little Feelings on Instagram and Facebook, especially if you already have kids because they have helpful techniques to avoid power struggles with toddlers and how to introduce a new baby, etc.

Oath Care

This episode is sponsored by Oath Care – a welcoming community to connect with fellow moms, find judgement-free support, and get personalized expert advice from pediatricians, marriage and family therapists, lactation and sleep consultants, pelvic floor therapists and more. Download the free to use Oath Care app from oathcare.com or in the App Store or Google Play.